Municipality of Trondheim in copperation with the state
Refining the uniqueness of Saupstad-Kolstad, a satellite town in Trondheim, Norway
Trondheim, Norway
Public plays
Social infrastructure
Naturehood – wilder and greener
Image: Frode Myren
In the period 2013-2020, an area improvement was carried out in the Saupstad-Kolstad district. Broad approach has given the district new energy.

As for so many other satellite districts from the 1970s further development of the district largely stopped after it was "completed". The quality of public spaces and infrastructure deteriorated, and over time the district developed a negative reputation and an accumulation of living conditions challenges. We had to rediscover the qualities.It is the sum of about 70 small and large projects completed, which characterizes the district's positive impression today.

A strategic plan for outdoor spaces became our most important tool for broad engagement, as an umbrella for collaboration and local initiatives. It was necessary to see all outdoor spaces in context. Internally in the municipality, the strategic plan has helped to challenge boundaries between different service areas, and innovation.

We have encouraged interested participants to together become aware of their role in an urban culture.How to contribute to creating a vibrant and improved democratic center?
Establishment of new meeting places in the district has opened opportunities for new experiences, activity and well-being. In the area investment at Saupstad-Kolstad, it has therefore been an objective to use many forms of citizen involvement, cooperation and dialogue in various arenas.

We have focused on children and young people having skills that strengthen them in the face of future challenges by focusing on both the place and democracy.The young people's efforts are best known through the realization of the Dalen activity park. Here, 800 young people have participated in a co-creation process until the realization of the park in 2020. The young people have otherwise arranged podcasts, arranged dialogue meetings, created local sustainability goals and actively commented on the district in the media.

Facilitating an interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral initiative with a holistic and long-term development perspective triggers positive energy and a will to change by focusing on local qualities and social competence in the district. We have consciously focused on quality, and opened up that many disciplines and views can help to interpret what quality can be in this context.

Presence over time makes it possible to get to know and create good relations between public and private parties, and the inhabitants of a district. That makes it easier to use public investment strategically and locally adapted. Knowledge acquired in one process can be more easily transferred to another.


Jury forAttractive-city-prize 2021:
The area improvement at Saupstad-Kolstad is based on inclusion and dialogue. Through looking for opportunities and through collaboration, one has succeeded in diagnosing, fixing and improving: The area today has connections, spaces, meeting places and spaces of high quality. An inclusive attitude has laid the foundation for belonging and pride in one's own place of residence.
Social and sustainable values underlie the development in the district,participation has helped shape the projects, and create enthusiasm and ownership.
The basic attitude behind the area promise is to build on the district's strengths and qualities. In this work, the participating parties have brought new perspectives and the knowledge of our time about what creates place attractiveness, and through it have been able to refine and further develop the uniqueness of the place. The area improvement at Saupstad/Kolstad is sustainable area improvement in a class of its own.

Municipality of Trondheim in copperation with the state

The project has been organized and caaried out by two full time planners from Trondheim municipality. They have employed project management for different projects from both private and public sector. A cross-disiplinary team has over 8 years worked together to trigger different sectors attention for this district. The biggest challenge has been to understand the benefits of cross-disiplinary prosesses. A satellite district from the 70s often consist of much space, but undefined space. Our common tool, that everybody related to was the creation of a strategic plan for outdoor spaces. This tool, with an understandable language, has inspired to new knowledge of our time about what creates place attractiveness, and through it have been able to refine and further develop the uniqueness of this district. When 400 people partisipate to plant 20 000 tulips, or 800 young people cocreates a park, you change a neighbourhood.

Cross-disciplinary practice