Neighbourhood Index

Explore the selected projects, perspectives and practices from Oslo Architecture Triennale’s Open Call for submissions contributing to the mission: creating more diverse, generous and sustainable neighbourhoods.

Selected for exhibition
Project Ilica
A collaborative craft production initiative that aims at reviving Zagreb’s main street identity through crafts-design knowledge exchange activities.
Selected for exhibition
Croydon Urban Room
The Croydon ‘Urban Room’ is a shopfront for public participation, fostering meaningful connection between people & place; past, present & future.
Selected for exhibition
FREIE MITTE, VIELSEITIGER RAND   Ongoing Process of Implementation, Vienna
A field of abandoned railway tracks, taken over by plants, animals and people, is carefully transformed into the center of a new neighbourhood.
Selected for exhibition
Copenhagen Car-free(dom)
Copenhagen Car Free(dom) is a speculative project that showcases how the city can develop beyond the framework of private automobile ownership.
Selected for exhibition
THREADS OF THE PUBLIC REALM. Streetscape scenarios for Reykjavík’s model neighbourhood
An inspiring collection of design guidelines formulated to support the City of Reykjavík in steering quality of the planned residential development.
Selected for exhibition
The Distributed Cooperative
Reimagining how a mixed-use cooperative housing development could be conceived at a neighbourhood scale.
Honorable mention
a fence and a ladder: subversive acts of everyday urbanism at home
This project examines the power of an informal, spontaneous, low-tech spatial gesture: a ladder built to straddle a fence between two properties.
Honorable mention
The Phoenix Project
A remarkable new neighbourhood that will enable people to live easy, communal and low-impact lives at this critical time for the planet
Honorable mention
50/50: “A Microcity within a Metropolis” or, “How to share a living in a neighborhood?”
Proposing an alternative for in-fill residential buildings with suggesting a sharing-based lifestyle and creating a neighborhood inside the building.
Honorable mention
Transformative Densification
Transformative Densification is a design programme with the aim of rethinking densification models within the changing conditions of nowadays society.
Honorable mention
Frizz23 – Germany’s first Baugruppe co-operative for cultural commercial space.
Frizz23 and the five pioneering participatory processes behind it have charted a new approach to community focussed urban development.
Honorable mention
Keelung Sino-French War Memorial Compound public space
The project creates a “neighborhood core” from a palimpsest of Asian urban development.
Honorable mention
STEPS Eco-Village Transitional Housing
Building community resilience and offering neighbourhood wellbeing in a temporary affordable rental housing in a sustainable semi-urban environment
El Terreno- Community Garden and Education Center
A model of how education, sustainability and design merge to harvest a bright future that attend the needs of the community and our neighborhoods.
Creating network of green spaces - one park at a time!
We aspire to impact policies, disciplines, hearts & minds by exemplifying vibrant green spaces, striving for ecological restoration.
Mono-gram to Poly-gram - A polyvalent reprogramming of modern social housing estates.
An alternative to demolition of social housing that reuses the unused, invites the collective over the sole, and shapes the community as a main core.
Versus is a roller skate rink in Nantes's historic center as part of the annual festival Le Voyage à Nantes 2021.
Pilot project "Herzkamp"
The project aims to build a residential quarter with the goal of climate-adapted, sustainable planning and construction in lively neighbourhoods.
Informality as Creativity: Urban Shutters
This pilot project aimed at designing crafts shops’ shutters, promoting their business and enhancing the visual qualities in informal areas.
Reclaim Womens Space - a garden at Hurumzi Square, Old Stone Town in Zanzibar
In this master thesis Eva Storrusten researched the lost women ́s spaces of Stone Town, and interpreted the potential architecture to an infill-site
Giving people a chance to integrate, create and celebrate the common environment
Free Mühlgang curates an unearthing of the invisibilized past of a public space to envision alternative narratives of freedom produced by inclusivism.
The project redefines the boundary of a night-shelter in a peripheral neighbourhood, transforming the former fence into a space with multiple uses.
Love thy pollinating neighbor: clover infrastructure and interspecies conceptualizations of cities
The project consists in a series of modest urban interventions, where wasteland or sterile grass patches are planted with bee-friendly white clovers.
Bodil Koch’s gardens
A green oasis, designed for and with the community, where to pause from the busy city life, and connect with nature and with others.
Ilha da Rua das Antas nº54
Reconversion of a derelict working-class “ilha” neighborhood into longterm affordable rental housing, in the historical city center of Porto,Portugal
ecovillage Hannover
ecovillage Hannover is a future-oriented urban development which is guided by sufficiency and highest ecological standards
Parkveien: UTT Reclaiming Public Space in Oslo
The project proposes an innovative, landscape-driven approach to renewing the community public space, reclaim those spaces that belong to the public.
TAKING PART - Shaping Neighbourhoods Through Youth Involvement
TAKING PART showcases new creative methods of involving young people from vulnerable social housing in the planning of their own neighbourhoods.
Permanent is a practice-based research to develop a mixed-use infrastructure for affordable and embedded cultural, educational and social space.
Value Of Play Beyond The Playground
The value of creating a “Playable City,” as an ecosystem of multiscale playable opportunities intertwined within our existing infrastructure.
Public Housing Neighbourhood Regeneration
The project uses participatory placemaking to create safe, accessible and vibrant urban commons in marginalised public housing neighbourhoods.
PM Campus - multi-functional, self-sufficient and circular complex in the suburbs of Kyiv
PM campus is a combination of rural healthy neighbourhood and suburban density mixed with urban vibrancy in the outskirts of Kyiv, Ukraine
KOMM’ RUM invites you to come together and share stories, memories and ideas in the neighbourhood of Johannstadt (Dresden, GER).
The Standaertsite, community centre and park
This bottom-up initiative transforms the dense urban fabric of a 19th-century working-class area into a park and community centre.
Watershed Urbanism: Neighborhoods
The project pioneers a transferable planning vocabulary for embedding ecologically-based watershed management principles into neighborhood design.
Lierstranda - the Fjord City
The design of the Fjord City will result in attractive, urban, and sustainable neighbourhoods, where people, the fjord, and the future meet.
Airing your dirty laundry
The project seeks to readdress the privatisation of domestic labour by reimagining historic communal practices of labour in the public realm.
Neighborhood and care
We needed to change perspective on the meaning of our own practice and present what might be inspiring in a contemporary situation
LAMBRATE. TRANSPORT NATURE, MAKERS CULTURE. “Experimenting new modes of Living and Working”
A vision of what could be a radically different space from a car oriented metropolis, where people live and work immersed in nature.
Startblokka is a temporary social project in Linderud Oslo, made possible through collaboration.
Transformation of a former industrial area into a new urban neigbourhood
CO-Scape is a community-driven approach to densify and inject mixed-uses into residential neighborhoods, adapting to the post-pandemic lifestyle.
Relational museum. On the threshold / beyond threshold
Meeting areas at the threshold. By neighborhood we fill the space with relationships and experience of creative community including what is next to us
Conceptual development of a marine activity park in Stavanger, based on blue & green nature solutions.
Born Thriving
Neighborhood planning platform and practice focused on the environments supportive of early childhood and caregiver wellbeing
This is an example of an open form of urban furniture – not exactly defined, leaving various possibilities for use by inhabitants.
Urban Space for Physical, Mental and Social Health
Urban Space for Physical, Mental and Social Health is a study for activating inter-block spaces and their untapped potential in Burgas, Bulgaria
HABITLIB. A Glocal strategy in La Habana, a Glocal strategy in the world.
Occupie empty space of the metropolis with a modular, densificable and desdensificable project of housing: A glocal strategy applicable in the world.
Square of traditional crafts in Varaždin
By engaging all senses to define the experience and stories of a space, the project ought to promote sustainability and local craftsman production.
Let's grow Tveita!
Transform a historical farm in a communal agri-cultural area based on circular economy, to project a better future for people, communities and nature.
FOUN’TA’SY project uses Tactical methods that are proven to be efficient for shaping urban environments, not only financially but also execution wise.
Plugin Architecture
Plugin Architecture is a form of practice that argues for a nimble and adaptive architecture ensuring housing is inclusive and accessible.
Many Places to call home, Meridian Water
Meridian Water is not one place, but many; it is a series of interconnected micro-neighborhoods, each with a distinctive character and sense of place.
Do the Right Thing in the ‘Hood! ETICity for Piave Neighbourhood (Venice, IT)
ETICity’s practice acts on urban collective/public space as citizenship and welfare devices to support the social infrastructure and situated politics
Agroecological Condenser
Agroecology is the additional programmatic layer fostering interactions between plant, animal, human, and the environment within agricultural systems
Youth-led Transitions
Youth-led Transitions is an urban transformation project seeking to make degraded spaces in northern Norway more liveable, vibrant and sustainable.
Elements for Women Visibility in Mexican Public Spaces: Casa de la Asegurada Unidad Independencia
The approach to the Casa de la Asegurada of the Unidad Independencia complex seeks to analyze its impact in the neighborhood from a gender perspective
Halle of Calais
The Halle of Calais is a modular multipurpose covered hall on the Place d’Armes in Calais, France.
Ammerud Aktivitetshus
A community on Ammerud with industrial kitchen, rental premises that the neighborhood can borrow cheaply, youth club and library
Once there is space, there is breath
In 2021, BRUT collective organized the 'BRUT summer NON school' for young people living in high-rise-dominated neighbourhoods in Glasgow, Scotland.
A set of public spaces and a cultural building
Urban redevelopment of the historical heart of Forest (a municipality of Brussels, BE) and transformation of its abbey into a regional cultural centre
Take action in your neighborhood with ACAN
ACAN is a network of individuals within built-environment professions taking action to address the climate & ecological breakdowns: learn with us!
Miniature Megalopolis
Miniature Megalopolis radically reimagines what a neighbourhood can be, through the lens of one of Oslo’s most complex urban areas - Groruddalen.
A new mixed use residential neighbourhood set within the Klingelbeek estate, a beautiful old park along the river Rhine in Arnhem, Holland.
Building Local Civic Ecosystems: The Case for Networked Neighbourhoods
BLCE showcases methods, models and policies of local ecosystem building, backed by case studies and a 4-year research and knowledge exchange process.
UDWR2H - Underground drinking water reservoir incastred on the edge of the village to provide drinking water to part of the local community.
61°69 garden: co-building a community garden in Siberia
61°69 is a co-designed and co-built community garden by teenagers in Siberia, and curated through a series of thematic educative workshops.
St. Olavs hospital in Trondheim
The hospital area is well integrated into the city structure and has become an attractive neighborhood in the city Trondheim
Nye boligkvaliteter - New Housing Qualities
A knowledge based analysis with inspirational examples of housing with new qualities for better neighborhoods.
Infinity Room v3.0
What is real? When i move do environments change? Questioning what the physical or digital limits of our spatial consciousness are today.
Brainport Smart District
Brainport Smart District is a future-oriented urban district that promotes sustainable, smart and productive living and working.
Prototyping a Park
Jubileumsparken is an example of a long-term place-building process where a neighborhood is created years before the first residents move in.
Reutilisation of Ladopoulos Paper Mill Complex
Winning proposal for the transformation and future-proof development of a former Paper Mill industrial complex in Patras, Greece
Prospect Brixham: Our Data Our Place
A year-long pilot project for a place-based data trust for the benefit of the coastal community of Brixham, a fishing town in South West UK.
Precollinear Park
Precollinear Park is a placemaking experience. A linear park which develops along an unused tramway overlooking the river and the hills.
Adaptive Transformation
Transforming buildings, places, and communities to create thriving neighbourhoods
The diffused Palace
Semipublic network of ‘living-working as a service’ shared spaces spread throughout the empty shops of the city center of Geleen.
Embrace Karlskoga
Winning Europan 16 entry for the Karlskoga (SE) site that proposes a site-specific district that embraces local qualities around a new railway station
En torno al Vergel - Around the Garden
En Torno al Vergel–Around the Garden – is the winning proposal for the construction of a public housing block comprising 42 units in Seville, Spain.
Neigborhood public space for everbody
Integrated approaches for public spaces to overcome conflicts and make them drivers in developing inclusive neighbourhoods.
Das Kooperative Haus
'Das Kooperative Haus' is a master thesis by Danny Liu and Kai Pieper at Bauhaus University Weimar developing a vision of sustainable city planning.
Neo-futuristic Walks
A series of “walkable” city inspections that shape a community of neo-futurists who collectively re-imagine our urban coexistence.
Community, memory & reverie: Learning from emergent spatial practices in Beirut
This project explores spatial practices that have emerged in Beirut after the Civil War (1975-1990), and in response to the 2020 port blast.
AIR SQUARE is a transportable square that activates underused urban spaces by bringing them purpose and a vibrant public life.
Perspective on reading Oslo’ neighbourhoods from the bottom up – how might geology and topography inform the ambiance and identity of neighbourhood.
Ormsundveien Økogrend
An urban eco village in an existing neighbourhood
Pilot project "Herzkamp Bothfeld"
The project aims to build a residential quarter with the goal of climate-adapted, sustainable planning and construction in lively neighbourhoods.
A Tourist Trap?
A Tourist Trap? aims for the mediation between people and nature, connecting nature, places and culture.
De-hierarchize the Commercial Street: Nothing Extraordinary, Really
Our project reflects on the status of the commercial street by restructuring its elements according to new traffic flows based on health guidelines.
It's architectural strategy was designed as a cultural venue to inspire creative confrontation, support new ideas and accommodate outstanding events.
Smarter Participation: Co-Governing Urban Aging with a Neighborhood Digital Twin
We develop a participatory methodology utilizing a data-driven digital tool. The aim of is to deliver policy outcomes at the neighborhood scale
Natural Landmarks is an illustrative guide and map that reframes ubiquitous street trees as significant monuments, sparking curiosity and stewardship.
Co-carts – Vehicles for the Community
Co-Carts are multifunctional vehicles whose forms and functions stimulate collaboration, encourage experimentation and transform collective spaces.
Sustainable zero emission, energy-efficient and circular neighbourhoods
Neighbourhood scale frameworks and demonstrations for energy and resource-efficient, climate positive circular communities in Norway and Europe.
Hope on Water // Post-disaster Floating Neighborhood
Project displays how neighbourhood is socially and physically crucial for post-disaster recovery with an idea of a floating, post-disaster settlement.
Missing Link #12
An exploration of how the large-scale infrastructural project Missing Link 12 can be reprogrammed to better fit the context and needs of residents.
Meet Your Neighbors (Again)
The proposal questions inherited domestic spaces through the implementation of a basic set of retroactive tools for communal reset.
Magnete is a community driven innovation hub, a place of care and culture, of relationship and plurality in the northeast metropolitan area of Milan
European Middle Class Mass Housing - Cost Action: A tool to develop neighborhood quality
Studies and analysis already carried out in more than 60 neighborhoods of 19 different countries that can make a good contribution to Oslo Triennale.
Wasserstadt Limmer - Fusions of green neighbourhoods
In the midst of green, lined by two canals, yet close to the city centre, a new, green and sustainable quarter will be created: Wasserstadt Limmer.
Rye Lane Revisited: A South London Plan
A research pamphlet evaluating the under valued success of South London's urban mutualism and establishing alternatives for neighbouring development
Sva - A vision of self-sustenance
Project defines the next century's urban living where you have access to nutrition at your doorstep, not just for humans but for other beings as well.
Tourism Suburbia. Exploring the future of post-growth tourism
Tourism Suburbia is a post-growth perspective on tourism, a framework for collective infrastructures on a neighbourhood level.
Dalen Aktivitetspark
Dalen Aktivitets park is an activity park, Trondheim. The park is designed to promote active use, a meeting place for all generations.
Garaj DESCHIS/ OPEN Garage
OPEN Garage is a research-driven proposition for a community equipment, situated in the context of post-socialist collective housing estates.
Living The Future - A Prototype Living Model From and For The Community
Living The Future rehabilitates a dismissed urban fragment in Milan introducing social dwelling spaces and new public services for the neighborhood.
Joint ventures in Vestland: legal considerations for the good planning and making of neighbourhoods
The entry conceptualizes the key neighbourhood principle of “sharing” through regulatory structures specific to Western Norway’s land division and use
Fontainas New Urban Centre
Regenerate a rundown urban block through a porous morphology, implement equipments to stimulate neighbourhood dynamics and create an Urban Centre.
It is a revitalization project of an industrial heritage site started and supported by the urban demand of a neighborhood.
Modernist Neighbourhoods’ Preservation is an education project to inform people about values of Modernist housing estates and ways to preserve them.
Enchanting Encounters. Public Garden for the Contemporary Art Museum of Estonia.
Self-initiated public realm project in Tallinn, functioning as a garden, a playable space and as material laboratory for outdoor use of rammed earth.
The emotional labor of demolition culture - soft and patient methods for observing decaying modern
We search and research patient methods to approach the demolition of decaying modern neighborhoods and document them by photos and concrete models.
Hei Tinnheia! - Feasibility study of Tinnheia in Kristiansand, Norway
The aim of the project has been to look at the potential for future development of a district of Kristiansand with a focus on social sustainability.
The architect’s neighborhood
This is one office’s introspective study about their own choice of neighborhoods and how this corresponds to the neighborhoods being made today.
Rolling Radio by THF Radio
Rolling Radio is a tool for Artists and Activists. A biketrailer that fits everything that is needed to hold a talk or performance in public space.
Local Council of Hartera
Taking small steps, collectively, towards a respected and lively neighborhood
ALFAMA 2.0 // RE-habilitation // RE-vitalization // RE-structuration
Regeneration of the Alfama neighborhood, degraded by the no preservation of the historical urban fabric and saturated by excessive tourism.
Finding Human  in the New Normal / Envisioning Future neighborhood
What experiential values can we observe from the collective pandemic, and how might we leverage these to envision our future for better neighborhoods?
Bridging the gap between community & public space:Placemaking+Guatemala City´s Opportunity Districts
Three action-oriented practices to produce real outcomes in public space starting with temporary interventions and working toward long-term change.
A boring grass area mainly used for dogwalking has been transformed into a local park with room for social gatherings, tranquility and rainwater
Star Homes
The Star Homes project explores ways to develop low-cost and insect-proof housing to enhance the health of people in rural areas of Sub-Saharan Africa
Common Vask- the future of laundry! From household machines to sustainable laundry facilities.
An essential contribution to a conscious and convenient neighborhood is serviced laundry facilities. We simplify laundry and clean the future.
GROMA - Ivrea Cultural Pole
Groma aims at defining the guidelines for the design of a Cultural Hub in Ivrea able to strengthen the sense of community.
soft buffers
The project tries to reinforce the existing condition of a small neihborhood by gently framing the space and finding beauty throughout it.
Co-sharing city space through spots
By unlocking showroom space to more for less we make cities more inclusive & socially sustainable
Case Study of Red and Blue, two building complexes, Krnjevo Neighbourhood, Rijeka, Croatia
Project is based on a comparative analysis of two building complexes, trying to find out influences between social organization & space organization.
Tromsø Waterfront Laboratory (TWL) & Open Day
Use of alternative and artistic methods to emphasise and investigate planning, participation, ecology and urban development at the Tromsø waterfront.
Grorud Senter
This self-initiated proposal investigates how to upgrade post-war residential housing buildings to meet current environmental and social standards.
Ten Tests in Gottsunda
Ten tests to develop new methods to involve residents and local actors in the development of existing and future public spaces of Gottsunda in Sweden.
Neighbours & Citizens
My practice is interdisciplinary, situated between art and architecture, research based, socially engaged and focused at trans-local neighbourhoods.
Age-Inclusive Public Space Book
A book providing inspiration as well as theoretical and practical knowledge on how to design public space for people of all ages.
Design studio focused on elements of wonder and play in public space. Exploring alternative playgrounds based on toy sharing..
Budapest100 - a weekend celebration of the people and buildings around us
Community festival mobilising citizens and fostering urban stewardship through raising awareness for built heritage to decrease social isolation.
"Hello Future!?"
The urban development concept "Hello Future?!" shows positive visions of the future of a residential neighborhood in Kiel (Germany).
An Innovative Solution on Sustaining the “Kampung Spirit” in Modern Southeast Asia
Deeply rooted in context and driven to repurpose a historical site for resilient communities through food security
Leveraging Air Rights for Reparative Development in Harlem
Proposal for a novel air rights management platform and structural strategy to develop housing with lasting benefits for residents through co-owning.
Spatial Academy: Academy as practice
A framework for neighborhood pedagogies of an undergraduate architecture thesis program in Santiago de Chile
Parking in Les Hortes de Caldes de Montbui
Hortes de Caldes Parking and Sindicat Square. Project by RavetllatRibas
HOCUS POCUS! What if the waste becomes legacy?
A speculation of a neighborhood where “waste” becomes a property of individuals, and legacy of ‘’waste’’ registered on a collective network.
Bella - Activity Rooftop
A social meeting place and activity roof in Copenhagen
The impact of artificial light in shaping a sustainable future for our cities.
Thoughtful planing for both natural and artificial light is the key to regenerate our neighbourhoods and and give new life to existing buildings
City-forming for MILAN/PORTA ROMANA: an adaptive and incremental strategy for the Smart City
Data is the new resource. We proposed to move from large data centres to small, diffuse data centres that feed neighbourhoods with their energy waste
Planning Open Spaces with and for the Children - local context of Kathmandu
Participatory Action Research could aid in creating sustainable & thriving communities/cities engaging the most prominent users & observers -Children.
Backyard Waterscape
The project showcases how rainwater management can turn threat to ressource and create value for both the residents, the neighbourhood, and the city.
BCN 2050
How to “preserve & tranform" the urban fabric of Barcelona ? How to create a flexible urban system reflecting the diversity of the city?
The digital window to your local Neighbourhood
St. Hanshaugen Park
Our proposal for a permanent restaurant is a neighbourhood driven initiative, presenting the ideas and needs of daily users in the public discussion.
Transformation Through Diversity
Together we matter; diversity forges the communities that hold our collective power to accelerate change and elevate the quality of our environment.
The project explores the struggle to expand communal activity within small housings in Seoul and proposes an assessment platform.
Re-Exploring Urbanity
A neighbourhood in Antwerp can become a new network of spaces that combines public amenities with nature and weaves the inner blocks into the city.
Destination Stovnertårnet
A local attraction that combine modern architecture with natural landscapes, with the goal that residents can participate in their community.
Parkly transforms public spaces for more liveable neighborhoods
Parkly is modular and circular outdoor furniture that creates green and happy public places for more friendly neighborhoods and liveable cities.
Our Wah Fu Estate: Kaifong K x Enthusiast Q
We use the concept of landscape transect as a means to document the everyday journeys in Wah Fu Estate—a modernist public housing estate in Hong Kong.
STILSTAND transforms parking into an exhibition space, using the blueprint technique as an artistic co-creation method.
The Third Instance
The project explores the liminal condition of the threshold by replacing the existing shutters with a dual piece of furniture for everyday activities.
The Missing Link - A journey through diverse neighborhoods
We confront 320 students each year with the “missing link” between what we know as suburban agglomeration and “stacked living” in residential blocks.
100 cooperative years - values, politics, community and form -  Trondhjems kooperative boligselskap
The project explores how TKB´s physical and social structures has been influenced by societal changes during 100 years and discusses lessons learned.
Lambertseterportalen is newly built interactive public sculpture installation located in the center of Lambertseterparken.
Claiming Space - an architectural intervention, exhibition, and public programme
'Claiming Space' is an architectural intervention, exhibition, and public programme produced in collaboration between Skeiv Verden and Fotogalleriet
Gamlebyen, A Neighbourhood approach in the Old Town of Oslo
A distributed development strategy for the vitality and activation of the fragmented identity areas of a Neighbourhood.
Organised Randomness
The project aims to create a neighboorhood, which seemingly created itself through many back and forths and in many years, unique at every corner.
Urania CInema reconstruction
The old Urania cinema was reconstructed into an office space that integrates a cultural centre open for public into the existing historic fabric.
Hardturmviaduct: Documenting the In-between
A visual ethnography documenting and exploring the potentials for recommoning the residual space underneath the Hardturm Viaduct in Zürich.
An online tool for foraging in the city, identifying edible wild weeds and mapping public fruit trees.
Mereside Library/Laundrette
Mereside Library/Laundrette combines essential services with opportunities to co-design, co-produce, adapt and share a local amenity.
Residential and studio building at the former Berlin flower market (IBeB)
Cohousing project with owner-occupied and cooperative apartments, artists’ studios and space provision for social associations and commerce
Material + Social Ecologies in the Port of Rotterdam. From Hyper-scale to Human-scale.
This perspective offers speculative scenarios on port neighbourhoods embedded in infrastructural landscapes, community spaces and circular materiality
Second layer
A pathway, punctually connected with the public space, that gives access to the new apartments laid out above the neighborhood pre-existing buildings.
Gyaw Gyaw
Gyaw Gyaw is small non-profit organization, utilising sustainable architecture as a tool for development in the Karen areas on the Thai-Burma border.
The Academy for Urban Action
AUA is an experimental, participatory youth project on the cross section of urban pedagogy, sustainability education, action research & placemaking
Floodwater as a Catalyst for Neighborhood Resilience
Reusing floodwater as a catalyst to regenerate green and blue neighborhoods through urban agriculture and creating greater public amenities.
Down the Hill, To the Rivers
‘Down the Hill, To the Rivers’ is a drawing book about the life beyond the Godown arts centre in the neighbourhood of Kuala Lumpur city, Malaysia.
Speaking through the skin of another: An urban theater of street libraries
A design proposal for street libraries as living and movable personalities in the central urban 'theater' in Skopje
#YongeCity envisions a new city within the existing urban fabric of Toronto, forming one, continuous, horizontal neighbourhood over Yonge Street.
The Opportunity Districts - Guatemala City´s Urban Development Plan 2020-2050
The Opportunity Districts are identified as strategic areas of development in Guatemala City that promote investment, innovation and sustainability.
NEIGHBORHOOD UTOPIA - Pilestredet park
Twenty years ago, was created one of the most visionary neighborhoods in Oslo. Unfortunately, this was just a glimpse into utopia…
The asphalt is a void covering Earth, a palimpsest onto which we print our values and beliefs. The ground-soil is a membrane connecting us.
Wandering Livable Street space – Experience the street of the future!
Foster change by a temporary redesign of streets with a set of wandering modular street furniture creating livable meeting spaces for the neighborhood
A meeting place/plays for the neighborhood, with the neighborhood of Rudshøgda
Zürich Airport Park: The Social Life of a Local Global Neighborhood
Landscape fragment becomes dynamic suburban park: locals, travelers, workers, ecological zones share a new typology of a large-scale neighborhood park
Modelproject House of Statistics
Civil society and the public sector are jointly turning a vacant building complex into affordable spaces for art, education, housing & administration
Critical Neighbourhoods – The Architecture of Contested Communities
This publication explores informal architecture and urbanism, analysing practical actions in three different continents (Africa, America, Asia).
New economic urban center in Guatemala City: Tivoli District
Economic urban center, that will stimulate the gastronomic and the convention industry, which will attract corporate tourism and new housing offerings
Integrated closed-loop technologies make public buildings profitable and community-friendly. Their daily use provokes ecological thinking in the city.
“Origins” - An exhibition, panel debate and guided tour
We explore how local materials and makers improve our climate and neighbourhoods for the better with circular and sustainable production.
The idea of “neighborhood terraces” is a response to changes that are occurring and to needs of inhabitants in a highly urbanized environment.
SEEDS of Fantasism City
Focusing on creating urban platforms consisting of sky gardens, elevated parks, and fixing urban behavior of humans.
From The House To The Plaza: Narrations For Tlatelolco
The use of voice, memory, and imagination as tools to create new ways to build and inhabit public spaces with our communities during COVID19 lockdowns
Promenade along the river Lonja
Let’s go to Lonja – a promenade with designed urban furniture along the river
Modular Rehandel
Modular er et modulbasert rehandelskonsept for bærekraftig handel og lokal verdiskapning — eller et slags sirkulært kjøpesenter om du vil
BeeTotems for RefuBees
Contemporary application of totemism as social sculpture and art intervention in public space. Interdisciplinary art/science project engaging locals.
Landing Party!
A speculative look into the upgrading of existing public housing by weaving function with an infrastructure for community formation.
Neighbourhoods as Networks of Care
Neighbourhoods as Networks of Care is a body of work investigating the neighbourhood as both a site and a material for creating participatory artworks
Let the sunshine in ! : 3 Marseille questions on metropolitanity
'Let the sunshine in' is prospective research proposing 3 scales of actions for a better relationship between housing and the metropolitan city.
Territorial Empathy - Co-creation Centering Joy and Dignity
Designers are doulas responsible for supporting communities through the co-creation of places that center the joy, wellbeing, and dignity of all.
A shared timber farming framework for socio-economically resilient and environmentally-restorative development for the Hudson Valley's communities.
Looking FWD: A Worker-Owned Design Practice for Community Empowerment
FWD is a landscape design collaborative based in Brooklyn, New York that empowers communities to share their stories in the built environment.
Leah Goldberg Masterplan
Turning a neglected urban environment into an exciting mixed-use neighbourhood with adequate housing, commercial spaces and functional public areas.
HAMBURG 2100 is a project that aims to inspire dreams, revitalize forgotten places and explore opportunities to create a human-friendly environment.
Fagerstrand transformation
Document and show the qualities of the industrial area of Fagerstrand before it is transformed and discuss what to keep, why and how.
retouch | return to senses
retouch™ any neighbourhood for more health & less stress.
GENIUS LOCI NEIGHBOURHOOD Hjørner i Oslo an artistic examination of key locations in open space concerning neighbourhood.
Shared spaces (gemensamhetslokaler) in neighborhoods - its past, present and future.
This project maps the history and present of the Swedish gemensamhetslokal with the aim to understand its function in a sustainable future.
Ground UP
Expanding the possibilities of design by galvanizing power, amplifying the voices of everyday people, and activating shared visions for place.
Transitoriedade entre corpos
Uma intervenção urbana pautada no caminho dos corpos no espaço público
Veum hageby
Tranformasjon av tidl. sykehusområde i Fredrikstad til boligområde og nærsenter. Gjenbruk og videreutvikling av historisk bebyggelse og parkområde.
I will propose many places in the city where people can gather in a relaxed atmosphere.
Model of Jamaika
‘Model of Jamaika’ is a 1:10 scale, walk-in model of the neighbourhood’s recently demolished Bloco 10, in the outskirts of Lisbon.
The Neighborhood Vending Machine
The NVM is a social and economic initiative that seeks to share tools in the community thus reducing consumption and unessential spending.
ZIBO offers a vision for the sustainable redevelopment of LeCorbusier’s abandoned Industrial Zone in BOgota
The Neighborhood Archipelago vs Fjord City
A building catalog exploring the effect of the consolidation of physical artifacts and culture Oslo’s Fjord City development on neighborhood identity.
Informality as Creativity: Urban Green
The pilot project aimed at developing concepts of street furniture and greening, and producing prototypes for them in an informal neighborhood.
An oral and visual history project on the politics of making, traditions, and the future of public (play) spaces, through the lens of 250 playgrounds.
Ficciones Compartidas
Through Ficciones Compartidas, the old Tobacco Factory of Alicante became a new meeting place for neighbors, ecologies and cultural policies.
Study of the urban revitalization of the former Gredelj factory zone
With a systematic approach, Gredelj can become a well integrated part of the contemporary city centre.
Neighborhood Food Futures
Exploring neighborhood-scale food systems and civic innovation in Cleveland, Ohio (USA)
Creating the Everyday Commons: Spatial Patterns of Sharing Culture
Spatial patterns for communities & designers aiming to catalyse sharing culture in urban neighbourhoods
Jonas, IJburg
Jonas - a new concept for a mixed-use residential building, designed to enhance social cohesion by creating a sustainable, inviting heart for the area
SOCIAL CONDENSER - Study for alternative, affordable and sustainable housing model
This housing building gets significant collective spaces-facilities and consists of a C shaped body with a glazed full-height atrium.
Transforming a Historically Authoritarian Precinct into a Landscape for People
A vision for the redevelopment of Central Vista, the historic seat of Indian democracy, to create an inclusive, cultural and ecological urban centre.
A worn down nonplace, absent on the locals mental city map has been transformed into a modern urban space with a luminous landmark.
Beyond the Neighbourhood: The Architecture of Collective Living
It aims to revisit the idea of the neighbourhood not through its administrative boundaries or urban form, but through a multi-scalar approach
Refining the uniqueness of Saupstad-Kolstad, a satellite town in Trondheim, Norway
In the period 2013-2020, an area improvement was carried out in the Saupstad-Kolstad district. Broad approach has given the district new energy.
Competition win in 2017. Situated in Fornebu, Bærum. 65 000 m2 dwelling, 750m2 commercial, 500m2 community space. Area: 37000 m2. Futurebuilt pilot.