Oslo, Norway
Social infrastructure
Naturehood – wilder and greener
Image: Sanke Ideelt AS
An online tool for foraging in the city, identifying edible wild weeds and mapping public fruit trees.

Sanke wants to create enthusiasm for foraging in the neighbourhood, to discover how amazing garlic mustard and dandelion tastes, to inspire old and young to use the city as a pantry. We want to prevent fruits from rotting on the sidewalk. We want to teach kids that in this city fruit is free and that apple juice or cider from apples you've picked yourself is just a block away. Perhaps you would like to start a kitchen table business with cherries picked in Sibkes gate? Perhaps make candy with foraged wild weeds? A soft drink? In the future production will be local - the neighbourhood is a good place to start.


We want to increase the knowledge about edible plants in the city. We want to inspire individuals, the government and the municipality to plant edible plants for food for insects, animals and humans. We want to inspire local food innovation and provide new perspectives on food safety. More than 5000 users the summer of 2021 tells us that people love to forage in the city!

Bunias orientalis

Public pear tree by the prison at Grønland


Sanke is a collaboration between Fragment, Norges Sopp- og Nyttevekstforbund, Bielke & Yang and Iterate, with contributions from Gaute Vindegg and Kristin H.R. Nielsen.
Sanke is an ideal comapny owned by Fragment and run by Arild Eriksen.

Cross-disciplinary practice