Neighbourhood Index

Explore the selected projects, perspectives and practices from Oslo Architecture Triennale’s Open Call for submissions contributing to the mission: creating more diverse, generous and sustainable neighbourhoods.

Selected for exhibition
Copenhagen Car-free(dom)
Copenhagen Car Free(dom) is a speculative project that showcases how the city can develop beyond the framework of private automobile ownership.
Selected for exhibition
The Distributed Cooperative
Reimagining how a mixed-use cooperative housing development could be conceived at a neighbourhood scale.
Honorable mention
STEPS Eco-Village Transitional Housing
Building community resilience and offering neighbourhood wellbeing in a temporary affordable rental housing in a sustainable semi-urban environment
Honorable mention
50/50: “A Microcity within a Metropolis” or, “How to share a living in a neighborhood?”
Proposing an alternative for in-fill residential buildings with suggesting a sharing-based lifestyle and creating a neighborhood inside the building.
Honorable mention
a fence and a ladder: subversive acts of everyday urbanism at home
This project examines the power of an informal, spontaneous, low-tech spatial gesture: a ladder built to straddle a fence between two properties.
Honorable mention
Frizz23 – Germany’s first Baugruppe co-operative for cultural commercial space.
Frizz23 and the five pioneering participatory processes behind it have charted a new approach to community focussed urban development.
Honorable mention
Transformative Densification
Transformative Densification is a design programme with the aim of rethinking densification models within the changing conditions of nowadays society.
#YongeCity envisions a new city within the existing urban fabric of Toronto, forming one, continuous, horizontal neighbourhood over Yonge Street.
Ilha da Rua das Antas nº54
Reconversion of a derelict working-class “ilha” neighborhood into longterm affordable rental housing, in the historical city center of Porto,Portugal
Case Study of Red and Blue, two building complexes, Krnjevo Neighbourhood, Rijeka, Croatia
Project is based on a comparative analysis of two building complexes, trying to find out influences between social organization & space organization.
Co-carts – Vehicles for the Community
Co-Carts are multifunctional vehicles whose forms and functions stimulate collaboration, encourage experimentation and transform collective spaces.
Design studio focused on elements of wonder and play in public space. Exploring alternative playgrounds based on toy sharing..
Budapest100 - a weekend celebration of the people and buildings around us
Community festival mobilising citizens and fostering urban stewardship through raising awareness for built heritage to decrease social isolation.
Mereside Library/Laundrette
Mereside Library/Laundrette combines essential services with opportunities to co-design, co-produce, adapt and share a local amenity.
Meet Your Neighbors (Again)
The proposal questions inherited domestic spaces through the implementation of a basic set of retroactive tools for communal reset.
BeeTotems for RefuBees
Contemporary application of totemism as social sculpture and art intervention in public space. Interdisciplinary art/science project engaging locals.
Shared spaces (gemensamhetslokaler) in neighborhoods - its past, present and future.
This project maps the history and present of the Swedish gemensamhetslokal with the aim to understand its function in a sustainable future.
100 cooperative years - values, politics, community and form -  Trondhjems kooperative boligselskap
The project explores how TKB´s physical and social structures has been influenced by societal changes during 100 years and discusses lessons learned.
Startblokka is a temporary social project in Linderud Oslo, made possible through collaboration.
Ten Tests in Gottsunda
Ten tests to develop new methods to involve residents and local actors in the development of existing and future public spaces of Gottsunda in Sweden.
Ormsundveien Økogrend
An urban eco village in an existing neighbourhood
Jonas, IJburg
Jonas - a new concept for a mixed-use residential building, designed to enhance social cohesion by creating a sustainable, inviting heart for the area
Backyard Waterscape
The project showcases how rainwater management can turn threat to ressource and create value for both the residents, the neighbourhood, and the city.
LAMBRATE. TRANSPORT NATURE, MAKERS CULTURE. “Experimenting new modes of Living and Working”
A vision of what could be a radically different space from a car oriented metropolis, where people live and work immersed in nature.
Critical Neighbourhoods – The Architecture of Contested Communities
This publication explores informal architecture and urbanism, analysing practical actions in three different continents (Africa, America, Asia).
Speaking through the skin of another: An urban theater of street libraries
A design proposal for street libraries as living and movable personalities in the central urban 'theater' in Skopje
Down the Hill, To the Rivers
‘Down the Hill, To the Rivers’ is a drawing book about the life beyond the Godown arts centre in the neighbourhood of Kuala Lumpur city, Malaysia.
Co-sharing city space through spots
By unlocking showroom space to more for less we make cities more inclusive & socially sustainable
Plugin Architecture
Plugin Architecture is a form of practice that argues for a nimble and adaptive architecture ensuring housing is inclusive and accessible.
Neo-futuristic Walks
A series of “walkable” city inspections that shape a community of neo-futurists who collectively re-imagine our urban coexistence.
Let the sunshine in ! : 3 Marseille questions on metropolitanity
'Let the sunshine in' is prospective research proposing 3 scales of actions for a better relationship between housing and the metropolitan city.
Take action in your neighborhood with ACAN
ACAN is a network of individuals within built-environment professions taking action to address the climate & ecological breakdowns: learn with us!
En torno al Vergel - Around the Garden
En Torno al Vergel–Around the Garden – is the winning proposal for the construction of a public housing block comprising 42 units in Seville, Spain.
Residential and studio building at the former Berlin flower market (IBeB)
Cohousing project with owner-occupied and cooperative apartments, artists’ studios and space provision for social associations and commerce
ALFAMA 2.0 // RE-habilitation // RE-vitalization // RE-structuration
Regeneration of the Alfama neighborhood, degraded by the no preservation of the historical urban fabric and saturated by excessive tourism.
"Hello Future!?"
The urban development concept "Hello Future?!" shows positive visions of the future of a residential neighborhood in Kiel (Germany).
Living The Future - A Prototype Living Model From and For The Community
Living The Future rehabilitates a dismissed urban fragment in Milan introducing social dwelling spaces and new public services for the neighborhood.
The asphalt is a void covering Earth, a palimpsest onto which we print our values and beliefs. The ground-soil is a membrane connecting us.
FOUN’TA’SY project uses Tactical methods that are proven to be efficient for shaping urban environments, not only financially but also execution wise.
Neighbours & Citizens
My practice is interdisciplinary, situated between art and architecture, research based, socially engaged and focused at trans-local neighbourhoods.
Tromsø Waterfront Laboratory (TWL) & Open Day
Use of alternative and artistic methods to emphasise and investigate planning, participation, ecology and urban development at the Tromsø waterfront.
Neighbourhoods as Networks of Care
Neighbourhoods as Networks of Care is a body of work investigating the neighbourhood as both a site and a material for creating participatory artworks
The diffused Palace
Semipublic network of ‘living-working as a service’ shared spaces spread throughout the empty shops of the city center of Geleen.
Halle of Calais
The Halle of Calais is a modular multipurpose covered hall on the Place d’Armes in Calais, France.
Creating the Everyday Commons: Spatial Patterns of Sharing Culture
Spatial patterns for communities & designers aiming to catalyse sharing culture in urban neighbourhoods
Grorud Senter
This self-initiated proposal investigates how to upgrade post-war residential housing buildings to meet current environmental and social standards.
Our Wah Fu Estate: Kaifong K x Enthusiast Q
We use the concept of landscape transect as a means to document the everyday journeys in Wah Fu Estate—a modernist public housing estate in Hong Kong.
Beyond the Neighbourhood: The Architecture of Collective Living
It aims to revisit the idea of the neighbourhood not through its administrative boundaries or urban form, but through a multi-scalar approach
Permanent is a practice-based research to develop a mixed-use infrastructure for affordable and embedded cultural, educational and social space.
Lierstranda - the Fjord City
The design of the Fjord City will result in attractive, urban, and sustainable neighbourhoods, where people, the fjord, and the future meet.
Embrace Karlskoga
Winning Europan 16 entry for the Karlskoga (SE) site that proposes a site-specific district that embraces local qualities around a new railway station
HABITLIB. A Glocal strategy in La Habana, a Glocal strategy in the world.
Occupie empty space of the metropolis with a modular, densificable and desdensificable project of housing: A glocal strategy applicable in the world.
Airing your dirty laundry
The project seeks to readdress the privatisation of domestic labour by reimagining historic communal practices of labour in the public realm.
Community, memory & reverie: Learning from emergent spatial practices in Beirut
This project explores spatial practices that have emerged in Beirut after the Civil War (1975-1990), and in response to the 2020 port blast.
The Third Instance
The project explores the liminal condition of the threshold by replacing the existing shutters with a dual piece of furniture for everyday activities.
Prospect Brixham: Our Data Our Place
A year-long pilot project for a place-based data trust for the benefit of the coastal community of Brixham, a fishing town in South West UK.
Das Kooperative Haus
'Das Kooperative Haus' is a master thesis by Danny Liu and Kai Pieper at Bauhaus University Weimar developing a vision of sustainable city planning.
SEEDS of Fantasism City
Focusing on creating urban platforms consisting of sky gardens, elevated parks, and fixing urban behavior of humans.
Nye boligkvaliteter - New Housing Qualities
A knowledge based analysis with inspirational examples of housing with new qualities for better neighborhoods.
TAKING PART - Shaping Neighbourhoods Through Youth Involvement
TAKING PART showcases new creative methods of involving young people from vulnerable social housing in the planning of their own neighbourhoods.
Joint ventures in Vestland: legal considerations for the good planning and making of neighbourhoods
The entry conceptualizes the key neighbourhood principle of “sharing” through regulatory structures specific to Western Norway’s land division and use
Spatial Academy: Academy as practice
A framework for neighborhood pedagogies of an undergraduate architecture thesis program in Santiago de Chile
ecovillage Hannover
ecovillage Hannover is a future-oriented urban development which is guided by sufficiency and highest ecological standards
PM Campus - multi-functional, self-sufficient and circular complex in the suburbs of Kyiv
PM campus is a combination of rural healthy neighbourhood and suburban density mixed with urban vibrancy in the outskirts of Kyiv, Ukraine
The Missing Link - A journey through diverse neighborhoods
We confront 320 students each year with the “missing link” between what we know as suburban agglomeration and “stacked living” in residential blocks.
Neighborhood Food Futures
Exploring neighborhood-scale food systems and civic innovation in Cleveland, Ohio (USA)
Sustainable zero emission, energy-efficient and circular neighbourhoods
Neighbourhood scale frameworks and demonstrations for energy and resource-efficient, climate positive circular communities in Norway and Europe.
Modelproject House of Statistics
Civil society and the public sector are jointly turning a vacant building complex into affordable spaces for art, education, housing & administration
Model of Jamaika
‘Model of Jamaika’ is a 1:10 scale, walk-in model of the neighbourhood’s recently demolished Bloco 10, in the outskirts of Lisbon.
Precollinear Park
Precollinear Park is a placemaking experience. A linear park which develops along an unused tramway overlooking the river and the hills.
Integrated closed-loop technologies make public buildings profitable and community-friendly. Their daily use provokes ecological thinking in the city.
Garaj DESCHIS/ OPEN Garage
OPEN Garage is a research-driven proposition for a community equipment, situated in the context of post-socialist collective housing estates.
Second layer
A pathway, punctually connected with the public space, that gives access to the new apartments laid out above the neighborhood pre-existing buildings.
Transformation of a former industrial area into a new urban neigbourhood
Rye Lane Revisited: A South London Plan
A research pamphlet evaluating the under valued success of South London's urban mutualism and establishing alternatives for neighbouring development
UDWR2H - Underground drinking water reservoir incastred on the edge of the village to provide drinking water to part of the local community.
Hope on Water // Post-disaster Floating Neighborhood
Project displays how neighbourhood is socially and physically crucial for post-disaster recovery with an idea of a floating, post-disaster settlement.
HOCUS POCUS! What if the waste becomes legacy?
A speculation of a neighborhood where “waste” becomes a property of individuals, and legacy of ‘’waste’’ registered on a collective network.
Many Places to call home, Meridian Water
Meridian Water is not one place, but many; it is a series of interconnected micro-neighborhoods, each with a distinctive character and sense of place.
The project redefines the boundary of a night-shelter in a peripheral neighbourhood, transforming the former fence into a space with multiple uses.
Brainport Smart District
Brainport Smart District is a future-oriented urban district that promotes sustainable, smart and productive living and working.
Organised Randomness
The project aims to create a neighboorhood, which seemingly created itself through many back and forths and in many years, unique at every corner.
Neighborhood and care
We needed to change perspective on the meaning of our own practice and present what might be inspiring in a contemporary situation
Sva - A vision of self-sustenance
Project defines the next century's urban living where you have access to nutrition at your doorstep, not just for humans but for other beings as well.
Ficciones Compartidas
Through Ficciones Compartidas, the old Tobacco Factory of Alicante became a new meeting place for neighbors, ecologies and cultural policies.
soft buffers
The project tries to reinforce the existing condition of a small neihborhood by gently framing the space and finding beauty throughout it.
KOMM’ RUM invites you to come together and share stories, memories and ideas in the neighbourhood of Johannstadt (Dresden, GER).
CO-Scape is a community-driven approach to densify and inject mixed-uses into residential neighborhoods, adapting to the post-pandemic lifestyle.
A new mixed use residential neighbourhood set within the Klingelbeek estate, a beautiful old park along the river Rhine in Arnhem, Holland.
Relational museum. On the threshold / beyond threshold
Meeting areas at the threshold. By neighborhood we fill the space with relationships and experience of creative community including what is next to us
Competition win in 2017. Situated in Fornebu, Bærum. 65 000 m2 dwelling, 750m2 commercial, 500m2 community space. Area: 37000 m2. Futurebuilt pilot.
Looking FWD: A Worker-Owned Design Practice for Community Empowerment
FWD is a landscape design collaborative based in Brooklyn, New York that empowers communities to share their stories in the built environment.
Mono-gram to Poly-gram - A polyvalent reprogramming of modern social housing estates.
An alternative to demolition of social housing that reuses the unused, invites the collective over the sole, and shapes the community as a main core.
The project explores the struggle to expand communal activity within small housings in Seoul and proposes an assessment platform.
ZIBO offers a vision for the sustainable redevelopment of LeCorbusier’s abandoned Industrial Zone in BOgota
Common Vask- the future of laundry! From household machines to sustainable laundry facilities.
An essential contribution to a conscious and convenient neighborhood is serviced laundry facilities. We simplify laundry and clean the future.
SOCIAL CONDENSER - Study for alternative, affordable and sustainable housing model
This housing building gets significant collective spaces-facilities and consists of a C shaped body with a glazed full-height atrium.
Landing Party!
A speculative look into the upgrading of existing public housing by weaving function with an infrastructure for community formation.
The Neighborhood Vending Machine
The NVM is a social and economic initiative that seeks to share tools in the community thus reducing consumption and unessential spending.