Trondhjems kooperative boligsselskap By community Architects Tonje Bostad, Olivier Herail, Linda Folgerød, Steffen Wellinger
100 cooperative years - values, politics, community and form - Trondhjems kooperative boligselskap
Trondheim, Norway
Ways of living, ways of sharing
Transforming, adapting, reusing
Rethinking processes and governance
The project explores how TKB´s physical and social structures has been influenced by societal changes during 100 years and discusses lessons learned.

Political and social movements in Europe and Norway such as the “Norsk forening for boligreformer” and Ebenezer Howards To-morrow: A Peaceful Path to Real Reform
has in 1922 triggered establishment of the housing association Trondheim Kooperative Boligselskap in 1922. Hundred years later is the community with 86 units close to the City center of Trondheim one of the most attractive neighbourhoods in central Trondheim.

The neighbourhood project will explore the last 100 years of Norwegian housing history through the development of Trondhjems kooperative boligselskap.
The first part will focus on the discourse on social housing before 1920.

In the second part will explore how societal change during 100 years has made impact on in the neighbourhood. We will explore and discuss spatial changes in the private and common garden as well as changes in demography and spatial configurations.
Since Ebenezer Howard garden city concept has influenced the outdoor spaces of TKB we will document the changes in the layout, planting and use of the private and common garden areas. Furthermore will in collaboration with the members of the association a taxonomy and illustrations of the spatial modification of the dwelling layouts be established. The adaptability of the original layout and different aspects as e.g., the dwellers freedom to adapt to new family structures will be researched.

On bases of the findings and the contemporary on housing policies in Norway new and more sustainable strategies for housing associations will be illustrated and discussed. Aspects like livelihood, sustainable life style and the potential of health promoting urban environments will be explored through the lens of the second oldest housing association in Norway.


The projects aim is to explore how the value platform, structure and architecture of TKB develop more sustainable, social and beautiful housing solutions. This is highly relevant to reflect on the contemporary mass production of housing and the lack of neighbourhood qualities in recent urban development.

Community building "glasshuset" which hosts film festivals , social gatherings, common meals etc

The flexible floor plan from 1922

The garden city layout by Sverre Pedersn

Trondhjems kooperative boligsselskap By community Architects Tonje Bostad, Olivier Herail, Linda Folgerød, Steffen Wellinger

Trondhjems kooperative boligsselskap

TKB is a housing cooperative with 86 units in 27 buildings.

The project group consists of architects living in the community and will be extended with other residents and participants.

Architects dwelling in the association