Neighbourhood Index

Explore the selected projects, perspectives and practices from Oslo Architecture Triennale’s Open Call for submissions contributing to the mission: creating more diverse, generous and sustainable neighbourhoods.

Selected for exhibition
Croydon Urban Room
The Croydon ‘Urban Room’ is a shopfront for public participation, fostering meaningful connection between people & place; past, present & future.
Honorable mention
The Phoenix Project
A remarkable new neighbourhood that will enable people to live easy, communal and low-impact lives at this critical time for the planet
Rye Lane Revisited: A South London Plan
A research pamphlet evaluating the under valued success of South London's urban mutualism and establishing alternatives for neighbouring development
Mereside Library/Laundrette
Mereside Library/Laundrette combines essential services with opportunities to co-design, co-produce, adapt and share a local amenity.
Prospect Brixham: Our Data Our Place
A year-long pilot project for a place-based data trust for the benefit of the coastal community of Brixham, a fishing town in South West UK.
Many Places to call home, Meridian Water
Meridian Water is not one place, but many; it is a series of interconnected micro-neighborhoods, each with a distinctive character and sense of place.
Mono-gram to Poly-gram - A polyvalent reprogramming of modern social housing estates.
An alternative to demolition of social housing that reuses the unused, invites the collective over the sole, and shapes the community as a main core.
Once there is space, there is breath
In 2021, BRUT collective organized the 'BRUT summer NON school' for young people living in high-rise-dominated neighbourhoods in Glasgow, Scotland.
Beyond the Neighbourhood: The Architecture of Collective Living
It aims to revisit the idea of the neighbourhood not through its administrative boundaries or urban form, but through a multi-scalar approach
Airing your dirty laundry
The project seeks to readdress the privatisation of domestic labour by reimagining historic communal practices of labour in the public realm.